in 6 languages
Have all the real time data in the palm of your hand
Check each channel sales instantly
Monitor your bus load
Track your bus using GPS
Prevent overbooking / react to underbooking
Manage your drivers, vehicles and routes
See real-time sales reports for all channels
Plan your bus load days before the departure
Add a larger or a second bus to your route when needed
Adjust your prices and add different discounts to boost sales
Sell tickets on your web pages using our core system
Present your lines in at least 5 languages or more
Implement search widget to push sales from other channels
Android POS app used by the driver (Tablet or smartphone version)
Check web tickets by scanning QR code off paper or smartphones
Sell tickets on the bus
Support return tickets discounts
Maintain your routes & pricing data on only one platform
Share your data with third parties
Manage sales & provisions for all of your partners
Web interface for your partner agencies
Partners can sell tickets at their outpost locations
Define allotments and provisions for agencies
Set credit limit for partners
Get daily sales reports